Pavement lights can either be supplied pre cast or cast on site by skilled Luxcrete personnel. Pre-casting usually speeds up site installation and allows work to continue even during very cold weather. In situ casting enables larger areas to be formed and is more suitable for accommodating site falls and levels. However, careful consideration must be given to the size and shape of all panels to minimise the possibility of shrinkage. Our technical department is available to provide further advice.

A selection of typical joint and edge details are available and variations are of course possible. The proper design and construction of adjacent structures and finishes by others is essential to avoid the possibility of water bypassing the perimeter seal.

Glazed pavement lights have 100 x 100mm, 117 x 117mm or circular Ø117mm moulded glass lenses.

Panels can be supplied with galvanised cast iron ventilators in place of lenses, with drip trays under if required.

The top surface of the panels has a trowelled finish incorporating carborundum grains for added slip resistance.

Rigorous load tests conducted on a wide selection of Luxcrete pavement lights and smoke outlet panels have been carried out by Building Research Establishment (BRE) Garston. The panels withstood load-bearing tests in excess of 75kN. These results are deemed to satisfy the requirements of the London District Surveyors Association in lieu of submitted calculations, for a 75kN ultimate load for accidental vehicular loading to pavement lights and smoke outlet panels.

For this loading with clear spans of up to 2.4 meters it is necessary for bearings to be provided to two opposite sides with a minimum width of 100mm, except where it is required that the perimeter edges of the panel are rebated, when a minimum bearing width of 125mm must be provided. Luxcrete are able to provide proof of design that our constructions can safely sustain the specified concentrated loading. Please refer to our Technical advisory Department.