Conduit Street / Saville Row.
Luxcrete Limited Smoke Outlet Panels construction type S.150/100.
Luxcrete were chosen by the main contractor, McLaren Construction to install the Smoke Outlet Panels at this new build project.
Cast In Situ and hand finished to replicate the levels and falls of the surrounding finishes.
Luxcrete Smoke Outlet Panels have the appearance, from the surface, of a solid concrete construction. The underside retains the coffered soffitt of the glazed constructions to provide the breakable area.
Brass demacation is cast into the top face to denote the structural opening, these are usually badged to read ‘Smoke Outlet from Basement’, alternative wording is posible.
Our products are approved by the London Fire And Emergancy Planning Authority (L.F.E.P.A) & London Fire And Civil Defence Authority (L.F.C.D.A) and have been appraised by Warrington Fire Research Centre.
Before considering an alternative product or using our competitors, check for proof of design and current test certification.